An Aggressive Girl in a Southern World.

Before moving to Charlotte, I never really considered my personality in comparison to all the southern belles and southern gentlemen there are in Charlotte. Don’t get me wrong, charlotte isn’t like the “Deep South” with all those farms and small towns where no one has ever left. But all the same, “y’all” is a regularly used word, “bless your heart” is the nicer way of saying “are you fucking kidding me?”, and everyone is always “fixin'” to have a good time.

I knew my accent and inability to pronounce the letter “r” was going to make me stand out but I never knew my personality would do the same thing. I’m aggressive, blunt, intimidating, sarcastic, intense, and slightly abrupt. For some, all I just told you was that I’m a raging, crazy bitch. Not true (…entirely). You just need to meet me (don’t be afraid). Prior to moving to the south, I embraced my abrasive personality. It’s what made me, me. But since moving to Charlotte, a few people have told me I’m too intense for serious southern individuals.


In Boston, there was a time in my life when I was extremely self-conscious. About my looks, not my personality. On my long road to recovery, my personality is what helped me get through it. My sarcasm, hard work, and desire to succeed (which had its pros and cons). Now that I’ve moved to North Carolina, I find myself slightly self-conscious about my personality, which is something I never thought I would say. My inappropriate humor, foul language, and sarcasm (which sometimes has the ability to be misconstrued) all used to be things I liked about my self, but now am questioning whether I should change and become someone different.

In the work place, I can be mature and appropriate and responsible. But I truly take to heart the idea of work hard, play harder. What’s the point of work if you can’t have fun and let loose after?

I know I’m talking in circles and you’re wondering when I’m going to get to the point…. It’s something I got from my grandmother (you need to learn how to speak our language and it makes perfect sense). The purpose of this entire rambling was to reflect on whether or not I need to “tweak” my personality a bit. I’m insanely stubborn but do I need to calm down a bit to fit in with these southern folk (men especially) or should I stay just the way I am and hope there are people who learn accept and enjoy my unique personality?


I wouldn’t see it as changing but more of self-improvement. I’ve even started taking more yoga to see if any “zen” would help in the matter…. So far, no personality change, just increased flexibility (to help attractive those hott men out there).