Maggie Mayhem

I have wanted a dog for longer then I can remember. The first item on my Christmas list every year was “Puppy!” or “Dog!” or some variation of the canine species. I was always jealous of friends who had dogs or any type of animal for that fact. I had fish once, named Rainbow. And then a guinea pig named Caramel. I guess you could consider both of those pets but I didn’t need to walk them or take them out to do their business, so I’m not really counting those. I would have taken a cat for goodness sake! But Donna is allergic….

Anyway. I won’t go into the long story of how I came across my beautiful puppy. Actually, I will. The short version. A friend posted a picture on Instagram of a litter of chocolate labs. Me being the hopeful child that I am, inquired whether they were for sale. They were. Long story short, my mom convinced my dad to get one and tad-da, Maggie Mayhem became a part of the Brunelli Family.


I’m going to try not to be too sappy but 1 year with Maggie has truly changed my life. I can completely understand why new parents post on Facebook every noteworthy achievement of their children’s life, because they think their children are the best and amazing. (Sorry to inform you but they aren’t – I am. They can come a distant second though). But now I understand. Because every adorable pose Maggie does or funny face she makes, definitely going on all forms of social media.

I have so many favorite memories with Maggie, even after only a year, but 2 really come to mind.

1. The first weekend I was in Franklin after Maggie was brought in home, I took more pictures of that adorable puppy then I care to admit. Here is my favorite one.




One of the first mornings I was home, I played with Maggie around the kitchen and living room. Her paws were way too big for the rest of her body so when she would run to get the ball, more times than not, she would trip over her own paws and slide into the refrigerator door. Trust me, I’m not mean, it didn’t phase her and it was the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. After a morning of playtime, we sat on the couch to relax. Less than a minute in, I look down and Miss Maggie is passed out, paws and belly up.

2. I went to Europe after I graduated from college for 3 weeks. Some people may not understand, but dogs know when something’s up. Big bag was packed and on the kitchen table, she knew. My parents drove my friend and I to the airport for our 3 week European adventure.

3 weeks go by and my parents are at the airport again, picking me up. When get into the garage and my mom says to me “We’ll take Maggie out first so she doesn’t pee on the floor before she gets outside. She’ll be excited to see you.”

Fine with me! So I stand at the top of the stairs in the garage as my parents walk in. Less than 30 seconds later I hear scratching at the door. My mom pokes her head out and says “I think she knows you’re here”. I giggle as I walk in for one of the best welcome homes I’ve ever gotten. Tail waging like a manic, jumping all over me, licking my face. I can’t complain because it felt good to be missed that much.

It’s hard to explain to someone who doesn’t have a dog but Maggie is truly part of the family. My annoying, crazy, adorable, smelly, headache causing little sister. Everything she does that annoys me is also so adorable. Like when I’m on the phone and she steals a wash cloth from the counter and refuses to give it back. She needs attention. Or when she stares at you as you eat your dinner waiting impatiently to lick the plate when you’re done. Or the inability to sit on the couch to watch TV because it’s always playtime.
Annoying? Yes. Would I change it? Fuck no. It’s everything that makes her my “Maggie Mayhem”.


Non-dog owning people don’t understand but dogs are more “human” than some people. They love unconditionally. Know when you’re sad. Refuse to leave you alone when you’re feeling depressed. And they even have those people-like eyes where you can tell exactly how they are feeling if they look at you for too long.

My year with Miss Maggie, Maggie May, Mags or my favorite Maggie Mayhem has taught me a lot about caring about others more than myself. Now I find the joy in the little things in life. All thanks to my Maggie. Maggie Mayhem.